
Remmina Plugin Exec is a free software protocol plugin to execute external processes (commands or applications) from the Remmina window.

Some examples of external applications could be third party remote access applications not supported by any Remmina protocol, network calculators, network diagram draw applications and many others.

General settings


The Remmina Plugin Exec plugin settings are documented in the Documentation page.


The stable versions released with source code and prebuilt packages are linked in the Download page. For information about installation from packages or source code please refer to the Installation page.

The Remmina Plugin Exec development version source code is available on GitHub.


Remmina Plugin Exec is distributed as open source code available on GitHub under GNU GPL-2+ license (GNU General Public License version 2 or higher). The software is supplied as is and it doesn't offer any warranty. Anyone can fork the project, modify and distribute it under the same GNU GPL-2+ license.